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From last year, we learned that the script in any film production needs to be to a professional standard so that the distributing company can understand that it is a script. If they are not produced in this specific way then the script will simply not be read. We ensured that the script used the font: Courier New Font, ensuring that the script looked the part. Our script wasn't too dialogue heavy as we intended our film to be packed full of action. This led to aspects of  the dialogue seeming cliche but it suits the genre of the film, and is how we intended it.

Ext - Alleyway - Midday

Camera focusing on the door in the alleyway. Door flies open, Man A in hoodie and joggers, with a panicked look on his face, and holding a bag rushes out. He throws the bag around his shoulder and runs out of the doorway.

(Background shouting)

"Hey, get back here"

Man A runs out and turns left where he then runs off screen down the alley whilst the camera pans back to see Man B emerge from the open door in black T-shirt and black jeans. Man B looks, first, to the right and then the left and chases after Man A.

Man B shouting

"You're not going to get far you know"

Man B chases after Man A down the alley as camera follows closely. Both men run out of the alley and run to the right.

Ext - Street - Midday

Both men running down the street and cross the road. Man A gets across cleanly but Man B stutters as a car nearly hits him down. Car blows horn angrily as Man B continues on chasing Man A across the street.

Man B

"Just stop already"

Ext - Bournemouth Cinema Steps - Midday

Man A sprints up steps followed closely by Man B. Frenzy of quick shots following the chase and both men heavy panting. Man B comes close to catching Man A but trips upwards on a step. Man B composes himself and carries on running up the steps.

Both Men run off at the top of the stairs and make it to their cars. Man A gets in first and takes off, followed shortly by Man B.

Ext - Road - Midday

Man A's car getting away but Man B's car following behind. Car chase scene should last for around 45 seconds with fast camera shots from different angles around each car.

Man B whispers to himself

"Where are you going?"

Car chase continues on down a road. Man A's phone rings, he picks up.

Man A

"Yeah I know... I'm nearly there... yeah he's still on me but I'm pretty sure I can make it"

Man A takes a sharp turn away from Man B but Man B carries on unknowingly and we see a frustrated Man B bang on his wheel. Man B reverses to try and make it back past the turn but Man A's car is already gone.

Man B picks up his phone

"I lost him"

Ext - Forest - Midday

Man A runs out from his car a little bit away and into the forested area by a tree.

Camera focuses on Man A's relieved expression as he sets the bag down on the floor in front of him. Camera placed behind box, looking up at Man A's face as he opens the bag. Film ends with Man A smiling to himself and shutting the bag. Screen goes black as bag is zipped back up.

New Script


After changing the storyline of our production and adding in new scenes because of feedback we had, we had to create a new script that correlated with our new and final idea. 

EInt - Garage (Darkened Room) - Midday

Opening shots of David lighting his cigarette and a panning shot around the table showing the gang playing a game of poker at a table with a bag by David's legs. Dealer shuffles cards about and players peek at their cards at regular intervals throughout. Dealer pulls out next card in the deck to display 4 cards on the table. Luke puts forward a black chip.

Luke grumbles

"Сто" [Pronounced,"Sto"] [One Hundred]

David fingers his cards and clacks some chips together in a seemingly pensive manner before throwing forward some chips.


"Поднять" [Pronounced, "Pod-nee-yat"] [Raise]

Dermot peeks at his cards again and bangs on the table in anger. He throws his cards across to the dealer, Jordan.


"я сложил" [Pronounced, "Ya Sloz-hill"] [I fold]

Jordan takes the cards in and shuffles them up. David raises again by throwing some more chips into the mix and is matched by Luke. Both players hit the table to signify Checking in the game and Jordan draws another card to the centre of the table. Dermot huffs in an incandescent rage but the other players ignore him.

David smirks, throws his cards forward to reveal them and says, in English

"HA! Flush"

Luke apathetically looks up from his cards and says, in English

"Royal Flush you fool"

Luke chucks his cards into the middle table to reveal that he has won. David sits back in his chair and puts his hands through his hair.

David angrily

"ебать" [Pronounced, "Yeah-bat"] [F***]

There's a loud knock at the door and all players turn to face it, Dermot draws his weapon and aims at the door. Jordan and Luke look at each other nervously and a flashlight suddenly pierces the room. There's gunfire and David grabs the bag by his leg and runs. Luke gets up and gives chase.

Ext - Footbridge - Midday

David runs down the centre of the bridge chased by Luke shortly behind.

Luke shouting

"There's no use in running, you won't get away!"

David runs down a split path and Luke loses track of him

Ext - Country Roads - Afternoon

David in his car driving down the road at normal pacing. Cut to interior shot of the car and David glancing in the rear view mirror to see a mysterious/sleek car behind him. The car behind erupts into speed and David speeds up to get away in a panic. Cut back to exterior of country roads as the car chase develops. After a few shots of the cars, cut back to interior of David's car.

David whispers to himself

"Come on.... come onnn"

David looks to the bag on his left and rummages through to get his phone which is beeping. He looks at it in confusion and then seems to realise something.

David, shocked

"The tracker! S***"

David wheels down the window and chucks the phone out of it. Cut back to exterior of the country roads as chase goes on for a little while longer. Eventually the car driven by the antagonist takes a wrong turn, confused by the inability to follow the tracker now.

Exterior - Creekmoor - Late Afternoon

David's car pulls up by a pathway. He exits the car and looks nervously around. Then he briskly walks down the path and climbs over a fence into a small clearing where he sets the bag down.

David mutters to himself

"Please all be here"

David unzips the bag and smiles to himself. The last shot is from inside the bag looking up at David as he smiles and looks onwards. He zips the bag back up and the screen cuts to black. Roll credits.

© 2017 by Jordan Dunkley

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